This seven-acre brownfield redevelopment project, located at 5th Street and Broadway Street in Saint Paul, was known as the former Diamond Products site. The project team, under the direction of the Saint Paul Port Authority, conducted a due diligence study on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Project tasks included:
- Environmental investigations, geotechnical borings, and on-site and laboratory testing and analysis
- Constraints analysis that evaluated building and site information
- Collection and analysis of utility and infrastructure information
- Collection and evaluation of building demolition information
- Preliminary site design
- Analysis of earthwork associated with building demolition
- Cost estimating
Subsequently, the City of Saint Paul retained SRF and Stoel Rives to provide grant application coordination and grant management services for the Lowertown Ballpark (CHS Field) project. We served as the liaison between the City, agency representatives, outside consultants, contractors, and other project team members. Completion of the grant applications involved a multi-disciplinary team that assembled informational and technical components for several grant applications. SRF and Stoel Rives successfully managed the grant applications, and the City was awarded more than $3 million in environmental cleanup grants from the State of Minnesota, Ramsey County, and the Metropolitan Council.