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Susan Miller, PE

Vice President - Planning & Performance Management
Minneapolis, MN

Sue joined SRF after nearly three decades leading county and city public works teams. Her collaborative approach resulted in innovative, sustainable and sharable solutions. Sue’s passion for improving safety on local roads saw her inaugaration as a  member of Minnesota’s first County Engineer Safety Committee. Her strategic thinking and leadership within the team helped to successfully secure millions of federal highway safety dollars now annually available to all 87 counties. Sue pioneered other valuable partnerships with MnDOT including bringing the pavement assessment van to all 87 counties, timber bridge inspection methods and shared inspection tools, and piloting MnDOT’s sharing of weather and road condition data.

Sue credits her success to actively participating in the Minnesota County Engineer’s Association and the Local Road Research Board/Research Implementation Committee. These organizations provided a clear path to strengthening Sue’s leadership of her own County in the management and operation of over 600 miles of county highways and 179 bridges.

Sue was the first and only woman to serve as the President of the National Association of County Engineers. She brought awareness to the disproportionate share of fatal and serious injury crashes on local roads and influenced federal legislation for rural road safety programs. She was also successful in streamlining federal aid processes.