The Arterial Transitway Corridors Study (ATCS) recently received the 2013 Innovation in Planning Award from the Minnesota Chapter of the American Planning Association. After the Metropolitan Council identified 11 high-demand local bus service corridors as candidates for improvements, the ATCS was initiated to explore the implementation of arterial bus rapid transit (BRT). Prior to this effort, arterial BRT had not been studied or deployed in the Twin Cities; therefore, the study team developed innovative methodologies to educate stakeholders and evaluate the usage of this premium bus service. The team developed system- and corridor-level concept plans, which included operations planning, station concept development, and cost estimating, and then established a priority order for implementing arterial BRT service on the 11 corridors.
SRF is proud to have worked closely with Metro Transit and our project partners on this important project. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Visit Metro Transit’s website to learn more about ATCS: Metro Transit Website