SRF’s Scott Harmstead, AICP, led an open house on November 30, 2022, for business and property owners along the corridor.
The Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) East Main Avenue Corridor Study is currently featured as a case study on the USDOT FHWA/FTA’s Transportation Planning Capacity Building website under the Complete Streets planning topic. The study was chosen as one of only six nationwide exemplary projects that illustrate the success of a comprehensive, intentional, and locally engaging approach to transportation and development planning.
Congratulations to the Bismarck-Mandan MPO and the City of Bismarck for executing a successful corridor study and taking deliberate steps to ensure stakeholder and public voices were heard. Well done!
About the Study

In early 2022, Bismarck-Mandan MPO and the City of Bismarck set out to develop a long-term vision for East Main Avenue between 7th Street and 26th Street. The study was collaboratively led by a Study Review Committee of stakeholders who worked closely with property owners, businesses, and the community.
SRF facilitated the corridor study, which focused on four main goals: address the aging road surface, safely accommodate all modes of transportation, encourage economic development, and minimize impacts to the adjacent corridors. Through a series of stakeholder meetings and online engagement opportunities, and Study Review Committee meetings, the study report was prepared and is currently being presented to the Bismarck City Commission, MPO Technical Advisory Committee, and the MPO Policy Board.