SRF is proud to be part of the larger Houston-Moore team who worked collaboratively with the Fargo-Moorhead Diversion Board Authority, the City of Fargo, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on this project from concept through construction administration. The Diversion Project includes the actual channel to divert the Red River during flood events and in-town levees and floodwalls throughout downtown Fargo. This particular project is located in the heart of downtown Fargo adjacent to the Red River. According to KVRR News, around 2,500 properties could be affected by the Fargo flooding. The Red River water levels reached 35 feet earlier this week and continue to rise from this winter’s record breaking snowfall. The National Weather Service is forecasting the levels to reach 48 feet this season, but the floodwall is protecting Fargo as designed.

This was a fast-paced project with many complex concurrent projects, technical issues, and moving design components. SRF led the design team with the aesthetics and alignment of the downtown floodwall and levees to best support the pedestrian environment, future development potential, and connections to the Red River for downtown residents, workers, and visitors.

SRF’s urban planning and design work included:
- A civic event space and City Hall plaza that would have a direct connection over or through the floodwall;
- The realignment and streetscape design of 2nd Street adjacent to the floodwall;
- Creation of “River Gateway” plazas to promote wayfinding and river recreation;
- Detail design of the floodwall aesthetic and alignment to best promote a welcoming streetscape and pedestrian environment,
- Streetscape design connections from downtown to 2nd Street and the river gateways;
- An expanded and restored riverfront park with an ADA accessible multi-use trail.

SRF is providing in-construction services and is committed to seeing the project through for a five-year maintenance and warranty period to ensure a well-established and diverse prairie landscape along the Red River.
Visit the project page for more information.

Aerial photos credit: Courtesy of Hoffman & McNamara