In 2023, the Lower Savannah Council of Governments selected SRF to complete a Transit Improvement Study for the Best Friend Express local bus service in Aiken and North Augusta, South Carolina.
SRF conducted a comprehensive analysis of existing service operations, passenger and operations facilities, and travel markets in Aiken County to help identify gaps and needs with the current service. Subsequently, SRF set about developing service alternatives and developing a set of service investment recommendations, prioritized based on timeline and funding availability.
Engagement with the public, current system users, local stakeholders, civic and social welfare organizations, local media, and local elected leaders was a priority for the study. SRF took a proactive approach to engagement, meeting people directly and listening to their concerns and desired aspirations for the future service. SRF prepared a detailed final report and executive summary that provides a practical set of actions to invest in the Best Friend Express service over the course of five years and beyond to increase ridership, reduce operating costs, enable better data collection, and both route-level and systemwide performance monitoring.
Above all, the recommendations of the Transit Improvement Study are focused on the customers and improving their experience and expediency of their trip, making public transportation a valued asset of Aiken and North Augusta.
Multi-modal Planning & Design
Resilience & Sustainability
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