SRF completed a transportation plan for the City of Williston. One of the highest priority transportation needs was a highway that would serve as a bypass around the north and west sides of Williston, due to the high volumes of semi trucks traveling through the City on US Highway 2/85. Subsequently, SRF explored several potential routes for a bypass and then completed the environmental documentation and design of the bypass.
The Environmental Assessment (EA) for the permanent bypass project was completed in 2013. A multitude of cultural resources, highly variable topography, wetlands, surface streams, utilities, and approved development were some of the many factors that were addressed during the complex environmental clearance. Close coordination with the City and Williams County was necessary for identification of impacts and the selection of a preferred alternative. Public meetings and a multitude of property owner contacts comprised the public involvement process.
SRF completed the final design of the four-lane permanent bypass in four phases, allowing project bidding and construction to occur in efficient segments while maintaining access and traffic flow. SRF also managed the construction administration for phases 1 and 1A. We scheduled and conducted the pre-construction conference, provided on-site full time construction observation, monitored the contractor’s daily work, tracked quantities, assisted with weekly construction meetings, and coordinated all survey needs and necessary testing and monitoring. SRF was responsible for keeping accurate and complete records of the contractor’s work as described in the Construction Records Manual and for processing pay requests on a regular basis.
Water and Environment