SRF has staffed some of the Midwest’s most complex and aggressive design-build projects. Our expertise in highway and structural engineering coupled with our in-depth knowledge of water resources engineering, environmental documentation, utility coordination, public involvement, and quality management has been a key component of delivering design-build projects.
We have been on both sides of the design-build table: working on behalf of the owner to oversee design-build teams and serving as a member of contractor teams. Through this experience, we have learned that the keys to successful design-build projects include:
- Teaming with qualified consultants to provide specific skills and additional capacity when needed and assisting small businesses with their skills growth.
- A partnership between the owner, verification team, and contractor team that promotes efficient and effective progress by avoiding issues, conflicts, and rework.
- Innovation to provide owners with durable, low maintenance, high-quality projects that meet or exceed quality requirements at comparable or less cost.
- Implementation of proven design, construction, and quality management procedures, checklists, and documentation.
- Teaming with capable contractor(s) who have a solid history of successful project delivery.
Design Services
- Design Contract Management
- Roadway
- Bridges & Structures
- Drainage & Permits
- Utilities Design & Coordination
- Traffic, Signals & Lighting
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Landscaping & Visual Quality
- Design Surveys
- Design Quality
Construction Services
- Construction Quality
- Critical Path Scheduling
- Environmental Compliance
- Critical Activity Points
- Construction Staking
- Construction Contract Management
- and Compliance
- Change Management
- Warranty Administration
- Project Final Documentation

Don Demers, PE
Alternative Delivery Services